Kyrgyzstan is a country of high mountains and a great amount of lakes on its territory. In the course of a car rent tour in Kyrgyzstan it is possible to make a visit of almost all significant and well-known lakes of the country. First we would like to note is the existence of about 2000 lakes in Kyrgyzstan. When you start to travel in Kyrgyzstan on a renting car you can surely make a notice of them to be estimated 6836 km2. In the course of a car rent tour in Kyrgyzstan it is possible to make a witness of 16 lakes being 1km2 of the area.
Travellers making their car or rent tour in Kyrgyzstan can identify the lake themselves by seeing the word "lake" of the "kul".
And now before you start to travel in Kyrgyzstan on car for rent we would like to point out main lakes of the country where you can make a tour:
Issyk Kul - it is the most visited lake by car rent travelers in Kyrgyzstan as it is located right in the mountains and may be seen as the one which never freezes. The reason to it may be in high percent of salt in the water. Travelling in Kyrgyzstan on a renting car you will always be at heights and when you start to travel to lake Issyk Kul you will find yourself at the altitude of 1600m above sea level. In the course of a car rent tour you will surely notice that the lake is truly amazing and approves the local name - pearl of Kyrgyzstan.
Son Kul - is the other famous lake in Kyrgyzstan. It has started to gain great interest of local citizens of the country and of those who travel in Kyrgyzstan in the coursed of their tour. It is located at the altitude of 3016m above sea level and is seen to be one of the most stunning lakes in Kyrgyzstan.
Chayr Kul may be visited during your tour in Kyrgyzstan at the height of 3530m above sea level. Being fishless lake it is going from Kok Aygyr river. The Merzbacher lakes may be seen when you travel in Kyrgyzstan in summer. As these lakes can disappear. Sary Chelek is the lake which may be visited in the course of travelling in Kyrgyzstan. It is seen as a valley being flooded. There is National Park in the center of the valley but it can't be visited.