Kyrgyz language
Kyrgyz language - find out more about it.
Language always helped people understand each other, work together, share their accumulated experience and knowledge. Since then, language has always played a large role in society. So, to prepare yourself to learn very base words in Kyrgyz language, you have to have some information about the language family, history.
Kyrgyz language belongs to family of the Turkic languages. The first alphabet was the Orhon-Yenisey script, also called Turkic Runic script. Then Kyrgyz gradually adopted Arabic alphabet in connection with their conversion to Islam. In 1927 Kyrgyz and other Turkic peoples of the former Soviet Union, adopted a common Latin alphabet . Afterward, this alphabet was replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet with few additional sounds non-existing in Russian. The Cyrillic alphabet is still used today in
Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz is the official language of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. There are several dialects that differ noticeably. Two major dialects are northern-spoken in the Chui, YsykKol valleys, and the capital-and southern-spoken by the Kyrgyz in the Ferghana valley. The latter has been influenced by the presence of a big community of Uzbeks in the southern oblasts of the republic, especially in the usage of some common words. Although the Kyrgyz language is the traditional language, most of Kyrgyzstan's population also speaks Russian, the language of business and commerce
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